Friday, May 6, 2011

Do you want ants?! Cus this is how we'll get ants!

Had my last final yesterday....and my teacher already graded all 40 of the 40 free response props to her.

But yeah...I knew I did really bad on it. I didn't know most of the answers and had to leave a lot blank. So, not surprising, this was my worst test....but at least it gets dropped.

I did really good on another one of my finals, so that's good.

And of course, in the class that I'd been scoring 98-100 on the other tests, I scored a 70.

All in all, it looks like I'm going to end up with a B average in a lot of my classes....I just hope i keep my scholarship. I'm really worried honestly. But what can I do now but wait and see.

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