Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May the Fourth be with you

So. Dentist trip is now over with....lot of fun, let me tell you.

I had to drive to Ogden for it cus...that's where my dentist is. And I hate driving. I get distracted/bored and Im not the best driver so I get nervous. car guzzles gas. A trip to Ogden and back runs me about 20 bucks nowadays.

Anyway, I made it there and back, and my cheek is still numb.
At first, I kinda like when its numb, its fun to poke and whatnot, feels all funny. But after about 20 minutes, it just makes me angry. I'm mad that I can't feel it but at the same time it hurts...somehow. So I've been trying to glare at my cheek((quite a feat, let me tell you)) but it's still numb.

Oh, and its May the Fourth be with you day, so...yay for Star Wars!!

Once I stop fighting with my cheek, I'm going to cram for my last final tomorrow and then I am DONE for the 'year'. Exciting!

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