Sunday, May 8, 2011

I wasn't even there!

So, a happy Mother's day to my lovely mother. She really is all I could ever want from a Mom. She's raised me very well, in my opinion, and Im super glad to have her and all she does for me.

In other news...the last three mornings, as soon as I roll out of bed, blood pours from my nose. It's not bleeding, but apparently it...'pooled' in my nose as I slept? I know that's gross, but it's really annoying cus my bedsheet, pillow case, and now three different sets of pajamas have huge blood stains on them.

Last night was fun. Considering it was 'move out' day, the dumpsters were FULL of good loot, so I went out and did some Urban Foraging. I found a huge beanbag(slight stains, just needs a cover), a nice office chair (stains, missing one of the five wheels, but still usable) Some cleaning supplies I needed, a car stereo....that looks brand new ((kinda worried that one was stolen then dumped cus they got scared, hahah)), a garbage can, a doormat, a small rug, some clothes I plan to make a mannequin out of, a brand new with tags Google laptop case, and a plastic folding chair.

So I went to bed early ((for me)) yesterday cus...well, I was tired after going around collecting and transporting all that stuff.

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