Okay. I am very bad at dedicated blogging. I just feel like im saying the same things over and over.But Ill try to post more. They just may be short posts.
So it's pretty much been a month since I posted. Ill just try to recap what happened last month to the best of my memory.
I got the same job I had last summer, doing summer conferencing. So that's good. The pay is...decent, but it has free housing so that's a good perk. I just am kinda bound to the campus.
We had our huge "Galaxy of Wishes" make a wish fundraiser on the 9th. By we, I mean the make a wish foundation invited the 501st. It was a really fun night, I got to wander around the Clark Planetarium in my armor. Lot of rich drunk people were there. It was interesting.
My family visited for a week, and I was able to visit my grandpa and that side of my family and show off my costumes. It made me really happy because they were really into it and proud of me. I was worried they'd laugh or think i was a freak.
I stayed at a Hotel with my mom/brothers for a couple days, here in SLC. It was nice to just hang out and spend time with them again. It was sad to see them go but I'm glad we got to spend some time together. I do miss them.
Let's see...what else...That's pretty much the big things....
Oh, there was the MS walk last saturday, I walked it in my armor with my garrison...but my socks were not chosen well. I got blisters. It killed. But it was a good time.
Random Pic we took with a family. The rain looks neat. |
My finals are this week...two are over so far, and I feel like I did pretty well on one...no clue on the other....and I just have a third, final, hardest one to do on Thursday.
Tomorrow I get to drive to Ogden to get a cavity filled....stupid Molar....It doesn't hurt, and I can't see it. If I hadn't happened to be using my finger to clean my teeth, I never would've felt the MASSIVE HOLE IN MY TOOTH.
It sucks...and it's going to cost a lot to fix....
But such is life.
Once finals are done, I have a week before my job starts to enjoy my apartment all to myself...and clean it.
And then its JOB TIME.
Ahhh, also. I got to join a D&D campaign that takes place online. ((Yes, I'm a nerd. If you guys hadn't realized that before...well that's just sad)).
I've only done one session but its been a lot of fun.
There's a recap one of the players wrote, if you wanna check it out. I look forward to playing more.