Not that many of you who read this probably GET the titles or why I put them.
But I enjoy it.
Usually its something I've watched/listened too, talked about, etc, a lot recently.
This is today's Inspiration. It's my kind of humor. Dark and creepy. And musical.
Right. Down to buisness.
Classes still going well. I really enjoyed my fencing class. We got to suit up and pick up an epee today. ((Holy crap, I spelled that right I think. That was a shot in the dark. Go brain!)) I'm not 'good' at it. But...I really enjoy it. I WANT to get good. I'm still that kid on the play ground who would pick up sticks and swing them at people and try to challenge people to duels.
Though I blame my name for that.
I mean really, YOU try being named after a Musketeer and NOT sword fighting.
And how cool would it be if I got into it a bit competitively? And ended up dueling a trio of friends and then teaming up with them to save the king of France.
It's been a good day. A bit boring at times, but I've felt good today.
Yesterday...or was it two days ago...Meh, either way. I spent about 405 hours and finished up Chewbacca's back. Leaving the front and arms before im done latchooking!! ((well, if you don't count all the places I have to patch up, and the extra leg flares I still need to sew in then hook...))
The flash is on in this, so it makes it super shiny, but...well, you get the idea. Those are the pants laying under it. I wish I had a mannequin to put it on. Not that my dorm would have room. But it'd be fun.
That's pretty much it as of late. No homework this week, so its just been classes, work, video games, and costuming. Can't complain really.
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