First off, I want to apologize for my last couple posts. They were really angsty and whiny. It's been an interesting couple weeks.
Secondly, I'd like to thank my brother for being so amazing. I really do love him, he's awesome, and I wish he could come out and live with me.
Right. On to buisness.
I volunteered at the Greek Festival Pastry booth for the past four days. That was fun. Nothing like standing for around 6 hours selling overprized, high calorie, diet bombs to 'tourists'.
Nah, 'twasnt all that bad. Kinda fun to be selling stuff with the gang. Granted, I'm still exhausted and my legs haven't forgiven me yet.
I did get some Free Pastries out of it!!
That's just what I need to lose weight. 3000 calories in two convient bites.
But wait, there's more! I have access to five BOXES full of pastries!
These won't last long folks, and you'll have to act now to get your hands on these delicious items!
It was funny, the first two days of working it, people would ask me what my favorite ones were...and seeing as I'd only ever had baklava....I'd just flat out lie and pick the one I wanted sold at the moment. Yay! Deception.
Ah, but NOW, I realize that I like the melomakarouna or however it's spelled. Walnut cookie, SOAKED in honey. It's wonderful. I've eaten three so far today for breakfast.
....I'm so fat...
On saturday, I went to the Autism carnival with the Garrison. I got to suit up as Anakin. I like that costume. Not sure why, but I do. I really need to lose my gut for it so I can fit into it better, and apparently there's a fair amount that's not screen accurate but...*shrug* I'll not be wearing it much when I finish Chewie.
Speaking of which, got the mask/helmet/whatever on Saturday. Kinda overwhelmed, and haven't had a chance to sit down and figure what I have to do to get it functional ,but hopefully I'll be able to get a start on it in the next week or so.
((I'm at work right now, and someone just asked me if I had a thick black marker. Obviously, I had three different sizes, and they giggled in anticipation when I gave them it. That was amusing))
On the topic of costumes, I'd really like to get Swampy done, but I'll admit I lost some of my 'passion' for him. Not sure why. I think I'm just more 'in love' with non armor costumes.
I got Revan's voice in the upcoming fan film a garrison buddy of mine is doing!! Super excited about that.
I need to get back in the swing of school and stuff still. I just can't seem to get my mind to focus or work. I kinda just feel like I'm in a daze half the time, everything's a bit surreal.
I hate this shift so much. I work 8 hours starting at six am. On weds and Fridays, I only go til ten. That's fine, cus then I can go home and rest. But 8 hours...I'm dead on my feet, and pretty much done for the day when I get off work at 2. I'm also the only one who has an 8 hour shift, apart from one person who works from 2-midnight on saturdays...
I feel about ready to just lay down and never get up again. Of course, even feeling like that last night, I wasn't able to fall asleep.
It's ten now. Four hours to go. Then I should probably start thinking about doing homework.
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