I got a new phone yesterday. T-mobile family plan and all that, so apparently I was due for an upgrade, or my mom's phone was, or however it works.
Point being. I got a "Samsung Gravity T' or something like that. I think it was a T.
Its pretty awesome. Got a touch screen....which is kinda tricky to use but.....yeah. I'll get used to it.
Next step, to shrink my fingers so I don't have such a hard time hitting the buttons.
So, I have this music program. Virtual instruments and all that. For some reason, it's stopped working...kinda. Hard to explain if you haven't' seen it, but...It'll SHOW the notes...but not play them, and...yeah, its weird and annoying, and driving me nuts. I really want to use it, but restarting the program, my computer, searching the 'help', searching google....no luck. So I'm giving up for now.
Still hating everyone who went to CV. They started posting pictures. There was a full sized Tie Fighter, snowspeeder....probably more than that...Ugh, I'd give my kidney to be there....
Well, I would, if I hadn't already broken both of my kidneys in that radio antennae accident.
Both Dean and I have a virus I believe....our throats have been hurting. His seems a bit worse off than mine....I just assumed that mine hurt cus of the altitude/climate change.
This new phones vibrate setting is really weedy...I can't feel it when its full blast, IN my pocket....so that's going to prove interesting haha.
I really need to get going on my chewbacca costume..But it is so tedious...Blah. But I'd like to get it done by October maybe....So if anyone wants to help me latchhook...I'll love them.
California is HOT
I have trouble sleeping at night from the heat. Oy. And I torqued my neck.
Besides that though, its really pretty and nice here. But also a bit too crowded. I like cities, don't get me wrong, but...even a smaller town like Clovis is too much hustle and bustle for me.
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Lauren is annoyingly good at singing I've decided. And she is all seductive when she sings. I am still determined to get her a record deal. If she'd just stop being so stubborn and let me.
It's odd being done with Summer Conferencing. It kinda just fused itself into my life. I feel like i should be doing something for it.
Speaking of work though, I have to start training ASAP when I get home from my lovely vacation. Should be....fun and tedious. It'll be nice to have a job I guess. Money wise that is.
I do feel bad because I got scheduled for this weekend and all this time when I had already gotten it off for my trip...so people had to cover my shifts....So, even though they won't read this...Thank you to everyone who did.
So, when I get back, gotta handle my job, gotta go visit my shrink, gotta meet up with Doug and get some measurements taken for a jumpsuit, gotta meet with Dr. Drews about starting my human factors certificate project, gotta finalize my schedule and buy my books....and probably some other stuff. Hoo boy. Gonna be a busy time.
I wish I had a sparring partner. I think it'd be a fun way to exercise if I had someone to 'duel' with. And I miss choreographing fights.
Seriously, my phone is sitting on the table, loudest vibrate. I SAW it light up, but it didn't make any noise or move or anything. It's like its vibrate is non-existant.
So, I wants to lose weight. But I lack any sense of motivation. I need someone to start yelling at me when I eat too much or don't exercise. Any takers?
I want to get a desktop computer....for gaming mostly. I know its kinda frivolous, but...Well, it'd obviously have other more practical uses as well...
You know....writing this would be a lot more enjoyable if I knew more than four people read it.
Like the picture. You ramble much. You rumble much. But do you rimble? or romble?
I think I saw him rombling the other day.
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