Friday, December 17, 2010

Zero Hour

It occurs to me I don't know what Zero Hour means. Not really anyway.

So, I'm done with Fall semester. Ta da!
Hopefully I did well on my last final...I needed a  93% on it to get an A...and that's...gonna be a stretch.'s hoping.

Last night we had a mini Christmas over at the Girl's apartment. So yay for Christmas celebrations and gift giving. It was fun.
I THINK they liked the gifts I gave them. Hopefully. I liked mine I got. So. yay.

Sorry. Its hard to think of things. Basically the last couple days were studying for the final and then....not thinking at all. I'm pretty much just entering a mini coma or something for hours on end. Not sure if that's a good sign or not.

Been playing Borderlands with Devin. The game isn't really entertaining playing solo. But a ton of fun with people. Like Devin. Devin is fun to play with.

This break is going to be...interesting. I have no idea where i'm going to be for most of it. Tomorrow for example. I get kicked out at about...9 am. So I need to figure out where I'm going to stay and what I'm going to do. So yay. Fun stuff.

Okay. i think that's about all that's going on. I'm going to go try to figure out where I'm going to be living for the next little while.

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