Devin and I have had a merry old time this week and I'm really glad he let me crash at his place. We had a really fun lan party with Rennan and Alex on....gah, I have no clue what day it was. Friday maybe?
But yeah, 4 player borderlands is really enjoyable. and it brought back old memories to be in his basement, eating candy and soda and playing games.
We also wrote Jordan a letter. I feel bad...I don't really write anyone but Ryan. Its not so much that I don't want to its just...awkward. and I never know what to say.
Speaking of writing Ryan...went to the post office in Williard to pick up the stamps the other day. For those who don't know, small town, small post office. The kind where it has a kindly old post master who is lonely and likes to talk. First thing he said when I told him I needed international stamps was "when do you leave on your mission." Not sure how i feel about that. But he was a nice old guy either way.
So, after three or four days ((really losing track of time)) with Devin in Logan/Ogden, I came to my dad's house. We had Christmas eve last night and christmas morning this morning. It was fun. I got a digital camera, so I'll actually be able to take pictures now and then.
Went and visited my Aunt and Uncle and Grandpa down in Lehi today, its nice to seem them. It was a bit chaotic with so many kids running around but such is family.
Tomorrow morning its off to a town called 'paradise'....that doesn't have cell reception....which to me SCREAMS horror movie plot. So that should be fun. After that I'm driving down to Provo to have a lateish christmas celebration with my mom.
I guess there hasn't really been much else going on. My trip down to AZ for new years eve got canceled. I'm a bit upset, kept turning into more of a hassle than it was going to be worth I think. So now I gotta find something else to do.
so...I bought a gift for someone...significant. Don't know why...I mean..I could get it to them but...not sure how that'd go over. I'm not sure what prompted me to buy it but...I did. Blah.
Anyway. Life's good. I'm gettin by without a 'home'. And next semesters classes start in about 2 weeks. I still gotta buy books. Oy vey.