Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

It's been a while.

Basically, I've spent the last week with Devin. Well, up until two days ago. I'm currently with my dad in Brigham city.

Devin and I have had a merry old time this week and I'm really glad he let me crash at his place. We had a really fun lan party with Rennan and Alex on....gah, I have no clue what day it was. Friday maybe?
But yeah, 4 player borderlands is really enjoyable. and it brought back old memories to be in his basement, eating candy and soda and playing games.
We also wrote Jordan a letter. I feel bad...I don't really write anyone but Ryan. Its not so much that I don't want to its just...awkward. and I never know what to say.

Speaking of writing Ryan...went to the post office in Williard to pick up the stamps the other day. For those who don't know, small town, small post office. The kind where it has a kindly old post master who is lonely and likes to talk. First thing he said when I told him I needed international stamps was "when do you leave on your mission." Not sure how i feel about that. But he was a nice old guy either way.

So, after three or four days ((really losing track of time)) with Devin in Logan/Ogden, I came to my dad's house. We had Christmas eve last night and christmas morning this morning. It was fun. I got a digital camera, so I'll actually be able to take pictures now and then.

Went and visited my Aunt and Uncle and Grandpa down in Lehi today, its nice to seem them. It was a bit chaotic with so many kids running around but such is family.

Tomorrow morning its off to a town called 'paradise'....that doesn't have cell reception....which to me SCREAMS horror movie plot. So that should be fun. After that I'm driving down to Provo to have a lateish christmas celebration with my mom.

I guess there hasn't really been much else going on. My trip down to AZ for new years eve got canceled. I'm a bit upset, kept turning into more of a hassle than it was going to be worth I think. So now I gotta find something else to do.

so...I bought a gift for someone...significant. Don't know why...I mean..I could get it to them but...not sure how that'd go over. I'm not sure what prompted me to buy it but...I did. Blah.

Anyway. Life's good. I'm gettin by without a 'home'. And next semesters classes start in about 2 weeks. I still gotta buy books. Oy vey.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Zero Hour

It occurs to me I don't know what Zero Hour means. Not really anyway.

So, I'm done with Fall semester. Ta da!
Hopefully I did well on my last final...I needed a  93% on it to get an A...and that's...gonna be a stretch.'s hoping.

Last night we had a mini Christmas over at the Girl's apartment. So yay for Christmas celebrations and gift giving. It was fun.
I THINK they liked the gifts I gave them. Hopefully. I liked mine I got. So. yay.

Sorry. Its hard to think of things. Basically the last couple days were studying for the final and then....not thinking at all. I'm pretty much just entering a mini coma or something for hours on end. Not sure if that's a good sign or not.

Been playing Borderlands with Devin. The game isn't really entertaining playing solo. But a ton of fun with people. Like Devin. Devin is fun to play with.

This break is going to be...interesting. I have no idea where i'm going to be for most of it. Tomorrow for example. I get kicked out at about...9 am. So I need to figure out where I'm going to stay and what I'm going to do. So yay. Fun stuff.

Okay. i think that's about all that's going on. I'm going to go try to figure out where I'm going to be living for the next little while.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

All we wanna do is eat your brains

You're welcome.

So, I would like to thank the kind members of my garrison for always being there for me, and Crick for having Triple A and  helping me get my car back.

Two more troops this last saturday!

Did a toys4tots drive at Hasturs Games and Comics which was a lot of fun.

How much fun?
If you can watch that video, you can tell. If you can't...well, lemme know and I'll get it to you.

After that was an operation teddy bear event. Basically, we went and took pictures with the kids there. It was pretty fun, definitely a different experience.

As you can see, some of the teddy bears were a tad...aggressive.

So a good weekend, and some good troops to lift my spirits.

Today I went and got my vehicle safety and emissions check, and tomorrow I hope to go get my vehicle registered...provided I can find all the forms and documents....

This whole car thing is going to end up costing quite a bit...
I'm really starting to feel the whole 'adult' thing with all the monthly bills I'm accruing. It's fun.
No. No its not. That was a lie.
But such is life, and all things must go on, eh?
I lost another christmas present I ordered for someone. Im positive it was in the box...but when I went to wrap it...well, now it's not. I don't THINK I moved dorm room isn't THAT big.

One last final to do, this thursday...I need to get a 93 on it, so I'll be studying a lot...maybe. I'll try. I don't do so well at studying. Wish me luck!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Let's Do It!

Got another letter from Ryan today! Yay!

but apparently he's in an area that only lets him check his mail once every six weeks. Which sucks.

So. Not much 'good' happened this week.
I had three finals ((just finished up the third today, yay!)) so that was fun to study for.


Both of my computers decided to completely tank on...wednesday I think it was. At first I thought it was a virus, but after consulting all my super awesome nerd friends ((whom I thank for helping me through that)) There is a chance it was at least in part due to a new update from AVG. So thanks a lot free anti virus program. You have betrayed me for the last time.

I had to reformat both of I lost most everything. But I managed to save some of my work/school stuff that was important.
But yeah. Kinda really annoying. Having to reinstall everything and cut my losses, but...what can you do.

There really hasn't been much else going on. Most of the last few days have been spent trying to breathe life back into these machines. And then finals.
But more effort on my computers then finals.

Because I'm all about priorities.

I'm a bit upset. I just found out that about $40 dollars worth of gifts I bought for multiple people online got shipped to my old house...I have no idea why. I deleted that address from the website, the package before, and AFTER that one, BOTH ship to my correct address. And there is delivery confirmation that someone SIGNED for it. so....Im not sure what to do. But I feel pretty screwed over.

Go kangaroo!
I don't think I posted this before. another random sketch from when I got bored one night.

I can't remember if I've talked about this before on here...
But I'm getting kicked out of my dorm in a week from today...for three weeks.

So that'll be fun.
My plan so far is to live as a migrant and bum places to stay off people. Ill be with my dad for a weekish anyway. And if all goes according to plan, Ill be down in AZ for New Years Eve doing a starwarsy thing.
I can move back into my dorm on the 7th. So the tricky part is just...Well, choosing what to bring and what to leave, and finding a place to live for 3 weeks.

Just curious....who actually READS these? You should comment here or on fb if you do. I wanna know.


So....decided to try going to a party tonight. Bad idea. It was stupid. Just a bunch of drunk morons. So I turned to leave. But, of course. I locked my keys in the car. In the middle of Murray. In the rain.
Thanks to Lauren for coming to save me.

I'm just in a really depressed mood right now. Dunno how much It'll cost to get it open...not to mention I'll probably miss the troop I was going to go to tomorrow.

Oh, and I had to get let into my room seeing as my room key is on the same keyring. That was a fun 20 minute wait.

I really am just....sick of life. I feel very defeated. 

Saturday, December 4, 2010


I'm feeling a bit 'off' today. Not quite sure why but I just don't feel great.

Emotionally sick is the best way I can think to describe it....though I guess that sounds like depression....maybe it is. I dunno.

I'm just feeling...lonely. but...for...a significant other. I really want someone by my side, exist next to someone I care about. I miss that.


I got to troop two birthday parties yesterday. The kids really loved it, they were all below ten. But its always fun to see their faces.

Today I trooped with the Mercs and did Salvation Army bell ringing for a few hours. It was enjoyable as well, hanging out with them. I also wore a wreath on my head ((with swampy)).

After that it was off to the Steampunk Christmas party. A smaller gathering, but fun to see a lot of enthusiasts. Though...steampunks not quite my thing. I prefer masks. I did get approached by a couple wig makers when they found out I was making a Chewbacca costume. That was interesting.

After that todays been fairly mellow. Too mellow. But I haven't felt up to video games so....mostly just been sitting here. I should go to bed soon, but I know I wouldn't be falling asleep for a few hours. Ah well.