Tuesday, October 5, 2010

With a melon?

Sitting in class. Very carefully NOT paying attention. It's a fluff class, twice so far I've glanced up from my computer when the teacher asks my opinion and been able to BS an answer. Yay.

I got another job! 30 hours  a week, 12 an hour, with possible health benefits!!!, so combine that with my now reduced 8 hours a week at the HC.....I am going to be busy.

A little concerned....I hope I'll be able to keep up with it all.

But I'll need the money. I'm buying the tracker from Mom. So I'll have a car, which will be nice. Not having to be dependent on people. Especially for troops with my star wars group.

Speaking of....

I really need to fix up my anakin. The sticky back velcro isn't holding up. I wish I had a sewing machine....I'm going to have to go buy some sewable velcro and needle and thread...
Also, Chewbacca's skull. I got half the hair on the dome of it...he looks like ben franklin. I ran outta glue sticks.

I'm really scared about chewie...those stilts I bought...I Tried walking on them and....ugh. Its just....near impossible. And I spent a lot on them so....I really don't know what I'm going to do. To be honest I'm a bit overwhelmed with all of it. I can't figure out Swampy. My mando just feels...out of reach. Still can't get chewies jaw to work.
I feel like I'm stagnating with costumes. I can't do it, can't make them look good....I've worked really hard but still. sigh. Just...sad.

There's been a lot of hate and sorrow going around facebook past few days...I don't wanna get into it but it's weighin me down.

Anyway, lifes not all bad. I got 100% on one of my tests, 93/100 on another. That's a bit better than the 80% from last week. And I just need to get two essays done today and I'll have most everything finished before fall break.

I really could use a digital camera. But when I look into buying one, I want to buy a nice SRL....but I can't quite justify that, but I want it enough that I haven't just bought a cheapo digital.

Along the lines of wasting money, I think I'm slowly going to 'build' a computer. Just save some money from paycheck to paycheck and watch for deals on Newegg ((especially with the Holiday season coming up)). I should be able to put one together by next year for pretty cheap. And with the specs I'm hoping to get, it'll last me a good long while.

This has been in my head forever.Dunno why, But I love the chorus.

Lauren had a good weekend. I am happy and jealous of her. Mostly cus I wanted to go to Disneyworld...

And I miss my friends on the east coast. Dunno if any of them read this, but Mary, Jackie, Anne? You guys are awesome, thanks for the memories.

Yay. Memoirs.

But really, those girls were my best friends way back when..those were simpler times. hahah.

I played Assassin's Creed II finally. Freaky ending. Really cool 'theory'. If anyone's played it, you should comment and we can agree on how awesome it is.

You know what else I miss? Beauty and the Beast. The musical one I was in. I loved that show. Definitely my favorite I've been in. Though my favorite parts still the Wolf from Into the woods....
But anyway...I wish we could get the 'cast' back together and do it again. hah.

I'm really excited for The Old Republic. I know its gotten mixed reviews but...I wanna play it for sure.

And I want Dean to play it with me. And Devin. And Paulo. And a bunch of other people. We can have an awesome team going.

I'm not sure why but I love parodies....Listening to the radio, six songs in a row, I knew the PARODY of them, but not the original. The parodies are usually better/more clever lyrics anyway.

I guess I'm out of things to talk about. I'm sitting outside Ally and Lauren's russian class waiting for them to get out. Dunno why. But I am. Probably cus two papers await me at home...blarg.

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