So I had two tests last week that I felt like I did AWFUL on. I studied a lot ((for me anyway)) but still felt unprepared...They are both short answers, no multiple choice, so I'm out of my element.
Well, I just got grades back from them...I got 94 and 95 out of 100 on them. The 94 wasn't curved at all. I just got the test back and EVERY question I guessed on, I somehow got right....I really don't know how, but I won't question it. The 95...I left a LOT blank. It shouldn't be POSSIBLE for me to have scored that high, but I'm not going to question it. I'm just grateful for this spot of luck.
Spring Break is next week, and everyone keeps asking me what I'm going to do. So far my plans include sitting at home. And that's it.
This semester is almost out...its crazy. I only have 21 more credit hours before I graduate....I have no idea where I'm going after that....Life is coming up on me fast.